Here’s Your 2022 Muster Invitation!!

7 Apr

Howdy, Aggies of the NoCo A&M Club!

Come and join us for Muster this April 21st, Thursday.  As promised last year, we are doing a full BBQ dinner by Serious Texas BBQ & drinks along with entertainment and the Muster ceremony.  We are having our gathering again at Clearwater Church at 2700 S Lemay, Fort Collins.  This will be an indoor event in the dining room at the far NE corner of the property.  For those wishing to join us and not eat, no need to purchase a ticket.  Also, kids under 5 are free.

Tickets are $22 each until April 15th.  Tickets purchased after April 15th are $27.  There is an option to pay at the door with cash or check.  Please RSVP thru Eventbrite before April 15th and select the “pay at door” option to secure the lower ticket price.  Walk ups with no RSVP will be charged $27 at the door.

Click here for the Eventbright invite and RSVP link.

Also, you can mail in a check if you wish. Please mail to:

Northern Colorado Texas A&M Club
C/O Sterling Myers, President
1236 Cedar Dr Berthoud, CO 80513

Let us know if you have additional questions or concerns. Email us at

Additional ways to pay in advance:

  1. Making a direct deposit at their local Key Bank using the last four of our club bank account which is x3180 – anyone can do this at no cost
  2. Go to your banking app, look for Zelle, which 90% of banks use, and transfer electronically with No fees to pay using my email address that is linked to our A&M Club account:

Gig ‘Em, Aggies!